
Usage Structure

<> required argument, [] optional argument <Name:Type{min,max}>

  • Name Mostly used for debugging message, unless the type is Literal in which it compares the argument to the name.
  • Type The type of variable you are expecting.
  • Min, Max Minimum or Maximum for a giving variable (works on strings in terms of length, and on all types of numbers in terms of value) You are allowed to define any combination of min and max. Omit for none, {min} for min, {,max} for max. If you set min and max with the same integer, then the provided string must have equal length.
  • Special Repeat Tag [...] will repeat the last usage optionally until you run out of arguments. Useful for doing something like <SearchTerm:str> [...] which will allow you to take as many search terms as you want, per your Usage Delimiter.

Note: You can set multiple options in an argument by writting |. For example: <Message:msg|Content:string{4,16}> will work when you provide a message ID or a string with a length between 4 and 16 (including both limits).

Usage Types

Type Description
literal Literally equal to the Name. This is the default type if none is defined.
str | string A String.
int | integer An Integer.
num | number | float A Floating Point Number.
boolean A Boolean.
url A URL.
msg | message A Message instance returned from the message ID.
role A Role instance returned from the role ID or mention.
channel A TextChannel instance returned from the channel ID or channel tag.
guild A Guild instance returned from the guild ID.
user | mention A User instance returned from the user ID or mention.
member A GuildMember instance returned from the member ID or mention.

Note: Literal is very useful in arguments with multiple options.

Using arguments in your command.

Now, after we understand how to configurate the command, we'll start writting it:

exports.run = async (client, msg, [...args]) => {
  // Place Code Here

[...args] represents a variable number of arguments give when the command is run. The name of the arguments in the array (and their count) is determined by the usage property and its given arguments.

Note that the commands' arguments are an array. This is a trick called Destructuring assignment.

For example, when you have:

exports.help = {
  name: "messager",
  description: "Deletes a message, or edits it.",
  usage: "<Message:msg> <delete|edit> [newContent:string]",
  usageDelim: "|",
  extendedHelp: "",

Then, we have to define all the arguments from help.usage, the following code block is an example of how it would look like, and how we would work with them.

exports.run = async (client, msg, [message, action, newContent]) => {
  // code

In which message is the argument assigned to the message object as provided in <Message:msg> argument from usage. Same does action for <delete|edit> and respectively.

Keep in mind that we declared newContent as an optional argument, if it's not provided, it'll return undefined.

Keep in mind that arguments are delimited by the character or combination of characters written in help.usageDelim. In this case, we have assigned the character | for it. How do we use this command? Easy:

komessager 293107496191655936|delete

The line above will execute the command with the name messager (or a command with messager as an alias), it'll use Channel.messages.fetch if the bot is a userbot). If the message is not found (you mistyped it or the message is in another channel) it'll warn you that the message hasn't been found. The next argument is a literal, in which must be either delete or edit. Keep in mind that Komada does String.toLowerCase(), if you write DELETE or any other variation of font case, it'll work too.

We come back to the exports.run, remember that we have:

exports.run = async (client, msg, [message, action, newContent]) => {
  // code

As I explained before, message will return a message object, it'll be the message found with the ID 293107496191655936, and action is defined as the string delete. newContent is undefined because we didn't write that argument. The code inside the curly brackets ({}) will be executed when the usage is valid.