

SettingGateway is an object-oriented and highly dynamic settings system designed to provide a full interface of settings, which works in a NoSQL environment but that it is also able to work with SQL.

The concept of SettingGateway is designed to provide users a very useful interface for most things, for example, as in 0.20.6, you can create new instances of it, in which, each instance is able to handle a completely different schema and database.

This system has been implemented in Komada 0.20.3, after the PR #255, still far from its concept level, it has been able to provide users a fully functional system that is able to work with any provider from komada-pieces, check the Providers page for further information about them, and SettingGateway's documentation.

By default, Komada uses the json provider by default, do not scream about it and insta-replace with SQLite, Komada's JSON provider writes the data atomically, in other words, it is very rare for the data to corrupt.

However, as Komada works on a NoSQL environment, the data cannot be used directly, for that, you need a special set of methods that defines a ProviderSQL which is required for the SQL engine to work.

Change the provider's engine.

For example, let's say I have downloaded the levelup provider and I want to work with it, then we go to your main script file (app.js, bot.js..., wherever you declare the new Komada.Client), and write the following code:

provider: { engine: "levelup" }

Your Komada's configuration will look something like this:

const client = new Komada.Client({
  ownerID: "",
  prefix: "k!",
  clientOptions: {},
  provider: { engine: "levelup" },


And now, you're using levelup's provider to store the data from SettingGateway.

What happens when I use an engine that does not exist as a provider? Simply, SettingGateway will throw an error, it is enough user-friendly and readable, if that happens, make sure you wrote the provider's name correctly.

Add new 'keys' to the guild settings.

As SettingGateway extends SchemaManager, you can easily add new keys to your schema by simply calling SettingGateway#add (inherited from SchemaManager#add) by running this:

client.settings.guilds.add(key, options, force?);


  • key is the key's name to add, String type.
  • options is an object containing the options for the key, such as type, default, sql, array...
  • force (defaults to true) is whether SchemaManager should update all documents/rows to match the new schema, using the options.default value.

For example, let's say I want to add a new settings key, called modlogs, which takes a channel.

client.settings.guilds.add("modlogs", { type: "TextChannel" });

This will create a new settings key, called modlogs, and will take a TextChannel type.

The TextChannel type has been implemented in 0.20.7 as a critical security measurement to avoid server administrators to set up channels in the wrong type, for example, configuring the modlogs channels in a VoiceChannel one.

As in 0.20.7, the force parameter defaults to true instead to false. It is also recommended to use it as it can avoid certain unwanted actions.

But now, I want to add another key, with name of users, so I can set a list of blacklisted users who won't be able to use commands, which will take an array of Users.

client.settings.guilds.add("users", { type: "User", array: true });

options.array defaults to false, and when options.default is not specified, it defaults to null, however, when options.array is true, options.default defaults to [] (empty array).

Editing keys from the guild settings.

Now that I have a new key called modlogs, I want to configure it outside the conf command, how can we do this?

client.settings.guilds.update(msg.guild, { modlogs: "267727088465739778" });

Check: SettingGateway#update

You can use a Channel instance, SettingResolver will make sure the input is valid and the database gets an ID and not an object.

Now, I want to add a new user user to the users key, which takes an array.

client.settings.guilds.updateArray(msg.guild, "add", "users", "146048938242211840");

That will add the user "146048938242211840" to the users array. To remove it:

client.settings.guilds.updateArray(msg.guild, "remove", "users", "146048938242211840");

Check: SettingGateway#updateArray

Removing a key from the guild settings.

I have a key which is useless for me, so I want to remove it from the schema.


Do not confuse SchemaManager#remove and SchemaManager#delete, the first one deletes an entry from the schema, whereas the second deletes an entry for the selected key from the database.

Add a key to the guild settings if it doesn't exist.

In Komada-Pieces, specially, some pieces require a key from the settings to work, however, the creator of the pieces does not know if the user who downloads the piece has it, so this function becomes is useful in this case.

async function() {
  if (!client.settings.guilds.schema.modlog) {
    await client.settings.guilds.add("modlog", { type: "TextChannel" });

How can I create new SettingGateway instances?

1. By using SettingsCache, (available from client.settings).

Let's say I want to add a new SettingGateway instance, called users, which input takes users, and stores a quote which is a string between 2 and 140 characters.

async function validate(resolver, user) {
  const result = await resolver.user(user);
  if (!result) throw "The parameter <User> expects either a User ID or a User Object.";
  return result;

const schema = {
  quote: {
    type: "String",
    default: null,
    array: false,
    min: 2,
    max: 140,

client.settings.add("users", validate, schema);

The validate function must be a function, not a Arrow Function, the difference between them is that an arrow function binds this to wherever the function has been created (for example, the exports from your eval command, if you are doing this with eval), while the normal functions does not do this.

If the validate function does not resolve Guild type, you might want to use the third argument of SettingGateway#update, which takes a Guild resolvable.

And then, you can access to it by:


2. By extending SettingGateway (you can use it in require("komada").SettingGateway), which is a bit hacky but gives you total freedom and customization, this method may not completely work and needs some knowledge, however, as this practise is not completely supported, nothing stops you from doing this.