* Monitor are functions that are designed to watch incoming messages. These can range from
* checking a message for specific words, or logging all mentions to a channel.
* @module Monitor
* @example <caption> They will always follow this structure. </caption>
* exports.run = (client, msg) => { // code here };
* exports.conf = {};
* The part of the monitor that will run on the message.
* @param {KomadaClient} client The Komada Client
* @param {Message} msg A Message object obtained from discord.js
* @example <caption> This will create a monitor that logs every message that mentions the bot. </caption>
* exports.run = (client, msg, cmd) => {
* if (msg.mentions.users.has(client.user.id)) console.log(`Message ${msg.id} contained the bots mention: ${msg.cleanContent}`);
* }
exports.run = (client, msg) => {}; // eslint-disable-line
* An Object containing configuration values that will configure a monitor.
* @typedef {Object} Conf
* @property {Boolean} enabled Whether or not this monitor should be enabled for use.
* @property {Boolean} ignoreBots Whether or not this monitor should ignore other bots.
* @property {Boolean} ignoreSelf Whether or not this monitor should ignore messages from the ClientUser.
* An object that configures the monitor.
* @type {Conf}
* @example
* exports.conf = {
enabled: true,
ignoreBots: true,
ignoreSelf: true
exports.conf = {};