/* eslint-disable no-throw-literal, no-use-before-define, no-restricted-syntax, no-underscore-dangle */
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const path = require("path");
const { performance: { now } } = require("perf_hooks");
const Loader = require("./loader");
const ArgResolver = require("./argResolver");
const PermLevels = require("./PermissionLevels");
const Settings = require("./settingsCache");
const merge = require("../functions/mergeConfig");
const Console = require("./console/Console");
const defaultPermStructure = new PermLevels()
.add(0, false, () => true)
.add(2, false, (client, msg) => {
if (!msg.guild || !msg.guild.settings.modRole) return false;
const modRole = msg.guild.roles.get(msg.guild.settings.modRole);
return modRole && msg.member.roles.has(modRole.id);
.add(3, false, (client, msg) => {
if (!msg.guild || !msg.guild.settings.adminRole) return false;
const adminRole = msg.guild.roles.get(msg.guild.settings.adminRole);
return adminRole && msg.member.roles.has(adminRole.id);
.add(4, false, (client, msg) => msg.guild && msg.author.id === msg.guild.owner.id)
.add(9, true, (client, msg) => msg.author.id === client.config.ownerID)
.add(10, false, (client, msg) => msg.author.id === client.config.ownerID);
* @typedef {object} OptionsDisabled
* @property {string[]} [commands=Array] Disabled Commands
* @property {string[]} [events=Array] Disabled Events
* @property {string[]} [functions=Array] Disabled Functions
* @property {string[]} [inhibitors=Array] Disabled Inhibitors
* @property {string[]} [finalizers=Array] Disabled Finalizers
* @property {string[]} [monitors=Array] Disabled Monitors
* @property {string[]} [providers=Array] Disabled Providers
* @property {string[]} [extendables=Array] Disabled Extendables
* @memberof Komada
* @typedef {object} OptionsProviders
* @property {string} [engine=json] The Provider Engine SettingGateway will use to store and access to the persistent data.
* @property {string} [cache=js] The Provider Cache Engine CacheManager from SettingGateway will use to cache the data.
* @memberof Komada
* @typedef {object} Options
* @property {string} [prefix=?] The prefix for Komada. Defaults to '?'.
* @property {string} [ownerID=String] The bot owner's ID, Komada will autofetch it if it's not specified.
* @property {Komada.OptionsDisabled} [disabled={}] The disabled pieces.
* @property {PermissionLevels|Array<{}>} [permStructure=Array<{}>] The PermStructure for Komada.
* @property {boolean} [selfbot=boolean] Whether the bot is a selfbot or not. Komada detects this automatically.
* @property {function} [readyMessage=function] A custom function with a client argument that allows you to customize the ready string when Komada logs in.
* @property {number} [commandMessageLifetime=1800] The lifetime for the command messages, in milliseconds.
* @property {number} [commandMessageSweep=900] How frequent should Komada sweep the command messages.
* @property {boolean} [disableLogTimestamps=false] Whether the komada logger should show the timestamps.
* @property {boolean} [disableLogColor=false] Whether the komada logger should show colours.
* @property {boolean} [cmdEditing=false] Whether Komada should consider edited messages as potential messages able to fire new commands.
* @property {boolean} [cmdPrompt=false] Whether Komada should prompt missing/invalid arguments at failed command execution.
* @property {string} [clientBaseDir=path.dirname(require.main.filename)] Directory where client pieces are stored. Can be an absolute or relative path. Defaults to the location of the index.js/app.js
* @property {Komada.OptionsProviders} [provider={}] The engines for SettingGateway, 'engine' for Persistent Data, 'cache' for Cache Engine (defaults to Collection)
* @memberof Komada
* The class for the magic behind Komada
* @extends external:Client
class Komada extends Discord.Client {
* Creates a new instance of Komada
* @param {Komada.Options} [config={}] The configuration options to provide to Komada
constructor(config = {}) {
if (typeof config !== "object") throw new TypeError("Configuration for Komada must be an object.");
* The configuration used to create Komada
* @type {Komada.Options}
this.config = merge(config);
* The location of where the core files of Komada rely in, typically inside node_modules
* @type {String}
this.coreBaseDir = path.join(__dirname, "../");
* The location of where you installed Komada, Can be a absolute/relative path or the path to your app/index.js
* @type {String}
this.clientBaseDir = `${this.config.clientBaseDir || path.dirname(require.main.filename)}${path.sep}`;
* An object containing all the functions within Komada
* @type {Loader}
this.funcs = new Loader(this);
* The resolver that resolves arguments in commands into their expected results
* @type {ArgResolver}
this.argResolver = new ArgResolver(this);
* The collection of commands available for use in Komada
* @type external:Collection
this.commands = new Discord.Collection();
* The collection of aliases that point to commands in Komada
* @type external:Collection
this.aliases = new Discord.Collection();
* The collection of inhibitors ran on commands
* @type external:Collection
this.commandInhibitors = new Discord.Collection();
* The collection of finalizers ran on succcesful commands.
* @type external:Collection
this.commandFinalizers = new Discord.Collection();
* The collection of monitors that are ran are specific or all messages.
* @type external:Collection
this.messageMonitors = new Discord.Collection();
* The collection of providers that can be used in Komada
* @type external:Collection
this.providers = new Discord.Collection();
* The collection of event handlers in Komada, used for reloading
* @type external:Collection
this.eventHandlers = new Discord.Collection();
* The permStructure Komada will take into account when commands are ran and permLevel is calculated.
* @type {PermissionStructure}
this.permStructure = config.permStructure instanceof PermLevels ? config.permStructure : defaultPermStructure;
* The collection of stored command messages
* @type external:Collection
this.commandMessages = new Discord.Collection();
* The lifetime of command messages before they are removed from the cache and not editable anymore.
* @type {Number}
this.commandMessageLifetime = config.commandMessageLifetime || 1800;
* The amount of time in between each command message sweep in Komada.
* @type {Number}
this.commandMessageSweep = config.commandMessageSweep || 900;
* Whether or not Komada is completely ready to accept commands from users or not. This will be true after everything is initialized correctly.
* @type {Boolean}
this.ready = false;
* Additional methods to be used elsewhere in the bot
* @type {Object}
* @property {Class} Collection A discord.js collection
* @property {Class} Embed A discord.js Message Embed
* @property {Class} MessageCollector A discord.js MessageCollector
* @property {Class} Webhook A discord.js WebhookClient
* @property {Function} escapeMarkdown A discord.js escape markdown function
* @property {Function} splitMessage A discord.js split message function
this.methods = {
Collection: Discord.Collection,
Embed: Discord.MessageEmbed,
MessageCollector: Discord.MessageCollector,
Webhook: Discord.WebhookClient,
escapeMarkdown: Discord.escapeMarkdown,
splitMessage: Discord.splitMessage,
* The object where the gateways are stored settings
* @type {Object}
this.settings = null;
* The oauth bots application. This will either be a full application object when Komada has finally loaded or null if the bot is a selfbot.
* @type {Object}
this.application = null;
* The console for this instance of Komada. You can disable timestmaps, colors, and add writable streams as config options to configure this.
* @type {KomadaConsole}
this.console = new Console({ stdout: this.config.console.stdout, stderr: this.config.console.stderr, useColor: this.config.console.useColors, colors: this.config.console.colors, timestamps: this.config.console.timestamps });
this.once("ready", this._ready.bind(this));
* The invite link for the bot
* @readonly
* @returns {string}
get invite() {
if (!this.user.bot) throw "Why would you need an invite link for a selfbot...";
const permissions = Discord.Permissions.resolve([...new Set(this.commands.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b.conf.botPerms), ["VIEW_CHANNEL", "SEND_MESSAGES"]))]);
return `https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=${this.application.id}&permissions=${permissions}&scope=bot`;
* The owner for this bot
* @readonly
* @type {external:User}
get owner() {
return this.users.get(this.config.ownerID);
* Use this to login to Discord with your bot
* @param {string} token Your bot token
async login(token) {
const start = now();
await this.funcs.loadAll(this);
this.settings = new Settings(this);
this.emit("log", `Loaded in ${(now() - start).toFixed(2)}ms.`);
* The once ready function for the client to init all pieces
* @private
async _ready() {
this.config.prefixMention = new RegExp(`^<@!?${this.user.id}>`);
if (this.user.bot) this.application = await super.fetchApplication();
if (!this.config.ownerID) this.config.ownerID = this.user.bot ? this.application.owner.id : this.user.id;
await Promise.all(this.providers.map((piece) => {
if (piece.init) return piece.init(this);
return true;
await Promise.all(Object.keys(this.settings).map((key) => {
if (this.settings[key].init) return this.settings[key].init();
return true;
await Promise.all(Object.keys(this.funcs).map((key) => {
if (this.funcs[key].init) return this.funcs[key].init(this);
return true;
await Promise.all([
this.commands.map(piece => (piece.init ? piece.init(this) : true)),
this.commandInhibitors.map(piece => (piece.init ? piece.init(this) : true)),
this.commandFinalizers.map(piece => (piece.init ? piece.init(this) : true)),
this.messageMonitors.map(piece => (piece.init ? piece.init(this) : true)),
this.setInterval(this.sweepCommandMessages.bind(this), this.commandMessageLifetime);
this.ready = true;
this.emit("log", this.config.readyMessage(this));
* Sweeps command messages based on the lifetime parameter
* @param {number} lifetime The threshold for how old command messages can be before sweeping since the last edit in seconds
* @returns {number} The amount of messages swept
sweepCommandMessages(lifetime = this.commandMessageLifetime) {
if (typeof lifetime !== "number" || Number.isNaN(lifetime)) throw new TypeError("The lifetime must be a number.");
if (lifetime <= 0) {
this.emit("debug", "Didn't sweep messages - lifetime is unlimited");
return -1;
const lifetimeMs = lifetime * 1000;
const rightNow = Date.now();
const messages = this.commandMessages.size;
for (const [key, message] of this.commandMessages) {
if (rightNow - (message.trigger.editedTimestamp || message.trigger.createdTimestamp) > lifetimeMs) this.commandMessages.delete(key);
this.emit("debug", `Swept ${messages - this.commandMessages.size} commandMessages older than ${lifetime} seconds.`);
return messages - this.commandMessages.size;
module.exports = Komada;
process.on("unhandledRejection", (err) => {
if (!err) return;
console.error(`Uncaught Promise Error: \n${err.stack || err}`);